Case of the day!

This is where i will store criminal cases/random history/things that have happened! I find these on youtube shorts usually, and i fact check and do my own research. So if youre looking for something to rage about, or just examples of how weird and twisted humans are, you are in the right place. TW for just about anything you can think of crime related. There will be no pictures on this page, because of how gory some of these cases ill talk about are. If you are not in a good state of mind for this sort of thing, please get off this page. i promise i have better, less gut wrenching things on my page T^T. Take precautions please. Also feel free to reach out if youd like to see me cover something!

Honey the dolphin

sadness level: ████▒▒▒▒▒▒30%

This is a sad case of a dolphin from Taiji, Japan. Honey was captured in 2005, during Taiji's brutal dive hunts. She, along with 46 penguins and hundreds of fish and reptiles were left in enclosures in an aquarium. Specifically, Inubosaki Marine Park Aquarium. The facility had remained in a ruined and desolate state for years before Honey died. In 2018, the aquarium was in debt and seeking a 2019 the aquarium was later sold, honey along with it. The health center was then in charge of the animal's care. Sadly, Honey was in poor shape from being neglected for so long, and she passed in 2020.

The original owners of honey barely fed her, only paying one employee to do so. They made no effort to help her before or after they went into debt. in 2017, her last compainion died. 3 whole years passed where she was completely alone. There were many efforts made by different orginizations but to no prevail. Her cage was dirty, and quite frankly depressing. She suffered from stress and skin burns. There were attempts to get her out, but it was far too late by the time everything was prepared. she died alone in her cage, at 20 years old. Bottlenose dolphins usually live up to 30 years in captivity. This is completely heartbreaking. This poor dolphin was so alone and stressed out, she died prematurely.

To conclude, I will note, its not all bad. Her death and her state triggered the forming of the dolphin project, and there were many people who found this ridiculous (Because it was). I hope Honey is in a better place now.

Lori Vallow: the 'doomsday mom case'

sadness level: ████████▒▒80%

This is the case of JJ and Tylee from Rexburg. This case occured from 2019-2023. Lori was a mormon woman, who had remarried multiple times. in 2006, she entered her 4th marriage with her two kids from her 3rd marriage- Tylee and Colby. She adopted a son in this 4th marriage, JJ. The man he married is named Charles. In 2018, she met a man named Chad at a religious conference. They started discussing their religious beliefs and conspiring to murder JJ,Tylee, and Chad's wife: Tammy. 2019 rolls around. On July 11th, Lori's brother shoots and kills Charles. By the end of august, They move to Rexburg, Idaho. September 3rd, Lori enrolls JJ in elementary school. 3 weeks later, he and his sister would disappear without a trace.

September 8th rolls around and Chad ups his wife, Tammy's life ensurance to the maximum. This is also the last time Tylee and JJ are seen alive.

October 9th, who i believe to be Chad, tries to shoot a paint ball at Tammy. on October 19th, Chad calls 911, saying Tammy died in her sleep. Coroner rules it as a natural death without doing an autopsy. Two weeks after her death, Lori and Chad marry.

Lori had a long history of irrational behavior, which she masked with religion. Hence the nickname, doomsday mom. She viewed herself as "a god preparing for the second coming of Christ", according to her late husband, Charles.

Lori refuses to say where the children are on the news.

On june 9th,2020, They find JJ and Tylee in a shallow hole in their backyard.On May 25, 2021, Chad and Lori are charged with first degree murder of JJ and Tylee.

Lori is awaiting a further sentence and will represent herself in court. Chad is on death row.

What most baffles me about this case is the sheer lack of acknowledgement on Lori's part. The lack of understanding that she killed her own children. If you choose to look it up, youll find that she is stone faced in all news interviews. She lies, says the children are safe, and moves on like its nothing. Its a horrible, gruesome case. I hope both children are at peace, and that Lori goes on to live a miserable life.

Junko Furuta

sadness level: ██████████100%

do not read if you have a weak stomach

This case takes place in 1988, japan. In the 80s, japan had a relatively low crime rate, although there was a spike in juvenile diliquency. Now japan is one of the safest countries, despite stereotypes. In november of 1988, A girl from japan, Junko furuta, disappeared after work. She wasnt found until january of 1989, and she wasnt found alive.

Furuta junko was born 1971, making her only 17 at the time. she was a popular girl among her peers, and had a part time job. On November 25th, 1988, she was biking home from work. Two boys, Miyano (18) and Minato (16), were lurking nearby. Their goal was to find and rape local women. Minato kicked her off her bike, and Miyano offered to 'walk her home'. Little did she know what they were going to do. Miyano brought Junko to a warehouse and threatened to kill her before raping her.He then took her to a hotel and did it again. He then bragged to his friends about it. The rape and abuse toward her only continued. on November 27th, Her parents called the police. Instead of freeing Furuta, they made her call her parents and tell them she ran away to stop police investigation.

Her torture goes far beyond most of our worst nightmares. They starved her, made her eat roaches, raped her in multiple ways, forced her to sleep outside in the winter, hung her from the ceiling and used her as a punching bag, burned her arms and legs, poured wax on her eyes, and dropped dumbells on her torso. By the end of it, its hard to believe she was even alive for as long as she was. The exact number of days vary, but most believe it to be around 44 days. Minato's parents and brother knew what was happening, however, they feared him and so they played along. The group of boys, at one point, bullied another boy into also raping furuta. That boy called the cops, but the cops did not search the house furuta was kept in. They later lost their jobs. In december furuta managed to call the cops. Her captors, however, found out and burned her. January 4th, 1989, was the day she died. Miyano challenged furuta to a game of mahjong. She was somehow able to not only play, but win. This enraged them, and they set her on fire. When more pus leaked from her wounds, they put plastic bags on their hands and continued to beat her. Her body could no longer take it, and her body shut down. Fearing arrest, they dumped her in an oil drum and covered her with wet concrete. They dumped her in an illegal dumping ground.

That january, miyano and minato were arrested. They ended up accidentally giving away where she was. The police retrieved her body

what really baffles me the most is that those boys never were charged for murder. Rape, yes. Murder, no. All four criminals pled guilty to 'death resulting in bodily harm'. I cant even say how wrong this is. All of them are now walking free, some of them with further charges of fraud and minor charges like that.

This case is a prime example of how awful human beings really can be. I cant even imagine the thoughts going through her head during all this. I hope Furuta is in a better place now. If not that, i hope she haunts the bastards who did that to her. I will never forget Junko Furuta.

Alison Botha


In contrast to the last few, this story has a happy ending.

Alison Botha's story isnt the most well known, but her story does have a good ending. In 1994, Botha was abducted and raped behind the bushes near the school she studied at. The two men stabbed her so many times that her wounds could not be counted by doctors. She was disemboweled and her throat was slit. She was nearly decapitated, and had to hold her own head on. Despite all odds, she managed to crawl inch by inch to the road, where a passing motorist assisted her. The physical strength, as well as the emotional and mental strength she showed is phenominal. She wrote books about what happened, and refused to be victimized by them.