My experience and story

DISCLAIMER AND TW: all names are changed to protect identity. Trigger warning for sexual harrassment, gaslighting, sexual stuff. this page is NOT for children.

I met a guy a while back. My friend invited him to our club, after finding out he was bisexual. I am 15. He is 17. Im gonna call him Jimmy. I reached out to him, like i ususally do to new members. Jimmy was nice at first. we talked about religion and gender. The second day of talking to him, however, wasnt so sweet. I joined the call with him. we talked for a while and he made weird off hand comments about having 'something' he wasnt supposed to. I ignored it. As we kept talking, i noticed tabs open on his shared screen. i zoomed into them, out of curiosity (thinking id find an interest of his or something.). There were two tabs. Both were questions on yahoo about butt stuff and masturbation. I panicked inside but laughed. He perked up from what he was doing and said "what?". I said "nice search history." then clarified by saying "nice tabs." He panicked a bit, closed them. He then started asking me what i do. repeatedly. I said it was fine, but i was clearly uncomfy. I was laughing, sure, but it didnt numb how stunned i was. He left the call after a bit, then we got back on call. he told me about what happened, saying it was 10 inches and he felt nothing. I was very uncomfy. I didnt say anything. He made me swear not to tell anyone. Things continued to be fine until 2 days later when he made me snap about other things. He frequently made me feel dysphoric, saying things like "If i saw you outside school id think you were a girl." I started to get weary. His actions seemed less than normal. I hadnt told anyone yet about what he said, except for one of my friends. I played it off like it was normal to her. It was not normal. He kept 'accidentally' opening tabs like that throughout our call. people might argue that its because hes autistic and hypersexual, but i am too. That doesnt change whats right and whats wrong. It doesnt matter. Im 15. hes 17. He should be able to recognise that im 2 years younger, at very different phases of life than him. I dont care how he was raised, what trauma he has, what has happened to him. There is absolutely no reason that ANYONE should EVER do that to someone without their consent. I dont care if hes hypersexual. I am too and i NEVER EVER would dare talk about that with anyone younger than me, especially on the 1st or 2nd day of knowing them. Worst part is hes done similar things to others i know. People younger than me. Its intensely screwed up.